Maybe you’ve been meaning to tackle that messy basement for a while, or you’re moving and need to toss that ratty furniture. Perhaps you just can’t wait to scrap the hubby’s old sports memorabilia and reclaim the spare room! Whether it’s wrecking your curb appeal, collecting dust or cluttering up your company’s workspace, we can handle it. Go ahead and breathe easy, we’ll do the rest!
Enough about us, let’s talk about your junk solution!
Live chat with one of our Junkery Junkologists
Sustainable Junk Removal
Junkery commits and strives for continued sustainable junk removal practices and processes that creates a better, safer and healthier environment. Junkery specializes in landfill diversion by sorting the materials we collect – more than 85% of items we collect is diverted away from landfills through recycling and donating.
Junkery is the first junk removal services company in Canada to become Bullfrog powered with green fuel. Bullfrog’s green fuel product helps climate-conscious businesses like Junkery begin to address their existing transportation emissions until greener alternatives become available.
Junkery’s Community Support
Junkery is a proud local business and supports various organizations and charities in our community through donations of materials, sponsorships and community engagement. These are a few of the wonderful organizations Junkery is proud to call a friend.
Awards & Recognition
Small Business Connections
As a local, independent business, Junkery is proud to be a member and contributor to the following organizations.
Junkery FAQs
Junkery is a 100% locally owned and operated junk removal company located in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Junkery offers two types of junk removal service: Junkery Bags and Full-Service Junk Removal.